Your local AAA provides services to locations all over Alabama. To find a location near you, click the button below.

Caregiver Support
Caregiver Support
Information, assistance, education, counseling, resources.

Home & Community
Home & Community
In-home services and care coordination to help older and disabled individuals remain in their homes.

Insurance Counseling
Insurance Counseling
Counseling, advocacy, and help with Medicare, Medicaid, Prescription coverage, Long-Term Care, and Medicare Fraud.

Legal Services
Legal Services
Legal assistance with powers of appointment, access to public benefits, housing, and healthcare.

Nutritious meals either delivered at home or in a congregate setting.

Ombudsman Services
Ombudsman Services
Information and advocacy for residents of long term care facilities and their family members.

Prescription Assistance
Prescription Assistance
Provides consumers with assistance to access certain free or low-cost prescription medications available through pharmaceutical companies.

Senior Employment
Senior Employment
Provides training opportunities to certain older individuals to help them gain or improve job skills to secure gainful employment.

Education & Training
Education & Training
Presentations are available to public, civic, and professional groups free of charge.
Education & Training and Volunteer Opportunities
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging for presentations on a variety of topics, for training, and for volunteer opportunities.